Health benefits
Healing wounds - Grape seed extract can heal dermal wounds.
Healing wounds - Grape seed extract can heal dermal wounds.
Improving bone strength - Including grape seed extract in your diet with calcium has a “beneficial effect on bone formation and bone strength for the treatment of bone debility caused by a low level of calcium,” according to research published in the Journal of Musculoskeletal & Neuronal Interactions.
Preventing skin cancer – Grape seeds contain proanthocyanidins which can prevent the development of cancer
Cardiovascular benefits – The antioxidants in grape seed extract can potentially protect the blood vessels from becoming damaged, which may prevent high blood pressure.
Reducing edema (swelling) - Taking grape seed extract can help reduce the swelling that occurs after an injury or surgery.
Preventing cognitive decline - Grape seed extract is very high in proanthocyanidins (oligomers of monomeric polyphenols) which may prevent cognitive decline.