Wednesday, June 29, 2016


Health benefits
Healing wounds - Grape seed extract can heal dermal wounds.
Improving bone strength - Including grape seed extract in your diet with calcium has a “beneficial effect on bone formation and bone strength for the treatment of bone debility caused by a low level of calcium,” according to research published in the Journal of Musculoskeletal & Neuronal Interactions.
Preventing skin cancer – Grape seeds contain proanthocyanidins which can prevent the development of cancer
Cardiovascular benefits – The antioxidants in grape seed extract can potentially protect the blood vessels from becoming damaged, which may prevent high blood pressure.
Reducing edema (swelling) - Taking grape seed extract can help reduce the swelling that occurs after an injury or surgery.
Preventing cognitive decline - Grape seed extract is very high in proanthocyanidins (oligomers of monomeric polyphenols) which may prevent cognitive decline.



LUXXE SLIM - is the premium health and weight loss supplement containing 350mg L-Carnitine and 150mg Green Tea Extract perserving. L-Carnitine’s primary role is to help transport acids into the energy producing units in the cells where FAT can be converted into ENERGY while the polyphenol found in the Green Tea Extract works to intensify the rate of metabolism. Aside from effortlessly losing the unwanted weight from your body,LUXXE SLIM also provides medically proven good effects of L-Carnitine and GreenTea such as aiding in the prevention of tooth decay, hyperthyroidism, heart and kidney diseases, Alzheimer’s and Parkinsons, and diabetes.




Anti-Aging & Weight Loss
  1. Anti-aging
  2. Anti cancer
  3. Anti diabetes
  4. Eliminates Leukemia cells
  5. Helps prevent UTI due cranberry
  6. Good for the heart
  7. Improve Eye sight
  8. Very rich in Anti-Oxidant

Luxxe Renew Benefits

Luxx Renew 8 Berry Extract - is an All-In-One Super Antioxidant in 1 Megacapsule It is a mix of both :
It is a mix of both:
  1. Acai Berry – eliminate leukemia, the perfect energy berry
  2. Pomegranate – fiber rich food that helpful for the heart
  3. Noni Fruit – Anti-diabetes
  4. Cranberry – helpful for UTI, abundant source of Polyphenol and Phyto chemicals
  5. Goji Berry – Rich in beta carotene that assists clear eyesight, secures the liver
  6. Mangosteen – anti-aging, power booster, anti cancer, repair cells, anti acne, and prevents
    Alzheimers disease.
  7. Blackberry – Vitamin A, C, E, and K.
  8. Blueberry – reduces the danger of breast cancer, colon cancer, and a oxidative stress fighter



Enhance Glutathione

  1. Remove Blemishes,fines lines and make skins radiant.
  2. Prevent pimple, acne and other skin disease.
  3. Help prevent Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease and multi sclerosis.
  4. Help prevent cancer.
  5. Help stabilize blood pressure.
  6. Increase sperm count.
  7. Helps body builder easily increase muscle growth.
  8. Recommended for people undergoing  chemotherapy.